If you feel like you don't know which path to take, feel overwhelmed with what to start working on first, or know there is more to what you want to achieve but don't know how, then a Discovery Session will give you the clarity that you need to make a decision, set clear goals and priorities and take the first step towards having guidance that helps you feel confident in all of your parenting decisions with your child with autism. 

The Discovery Session is a free initial consultation to discuss your needs and goals. The purpose of this consultation is to help you decide which actions to take moving forward. You will learn what is available and on offer when working with Elisa at Think Autism, how it will make a difference and how it works. 

Who is this for:

  • Parents who want further support 
  • Your child does not have to already have a diagnosis
  • Your child can be any age and any where on the spectrum
  • Parents who want guidance but not sure which is the best service for their needs
  • Parents interested in RDI, HANDLE, Sleep Support, other individual issues they are experiencing with parenting their child on the spectrum
  • Parents who want to find out more about working with Elisa

Prior to the Discovery Session please indicate what service/ support you think you might be interested in and complete the 4 brief questions that will help direct your support on the call.

During the Discovery Session we will discuss:

  • A brief background & history
  • What the current issues & struggles are
  • How Think Autism could help  

Discovery sessions are typically done via Zoom, this is a free video conferencing software, you will need to ensure your webcam, microphone and speakers are all switched on.

After the Discovery Session you will be sent any further information we had agreed during the session. 

What others have been saying about the Discovery Session:

"Elisa is an empathetic, insightful, and highly attuned person whom we had the pleasure to consult with by telephone about our 16 year old son. My husband and I found it instantly easy to talk to her openly and candidly about a complicated and sensitive situation.

My son began school refusing aged 10 at which time we had a one-off consultation with a CAMHS advisor which was unhelpful and inappropriate. We continued to actively seek help over the next year or so and consulted many (many) different private therapists, counsellors, clinical child psychotherapists, an educational psychologist, and last resort a child psychiatrist. Each of these negative, deflating, and depressing experiences put us off seeking any form of therapy or support for life. I can’t begin to think how many thousands of hours and pounds we have spent investing in utterly useless and disparaging conversations and more anxiety than we started with.

Elisa changed that opinion in an instant.

She warmly and objectively validated our concerns and rationale without the usual element of ‘parents-have-no-clue’ contempt we’d grown accustomed to in the past. An absolute breath of fresh air.

Elisa honestly ticks all of the boxes which is a significantly tall order when you consider the string of negative ‘therapy’ experiences we have behind us.

Elisa is genuinely a truly lovely person. You will only have to explain yourself once as she understands concepts and complicated detail instantly. Recounting long and involved historical events is utterly exhausting for parents (and part for the course) so having a therapist that ‘get’s it’ straightway is part of the battle and a crucial quality." ~ Emma

About the instructor

Autism Consultant and Trainer

Elisa Ferriggi

Owner and Consultant of Think Autism BSc (Hons) Psychology, Dip.Couns, RDI® Certified Program Consultant, Certified HANDLE® Screener, Accredited Triple P Provider and NLP Practitioner, Sleep Scotland Practitioner, PROACT-SCIPr UK, Education and Training Level 3 Award, Working with Parents Level 4 Award, plus attendance and participation to numerous short courses. Since June 2003, Elisa Ferriggi has been working with autistic children and their families.  As an autism consultant and trainer, Elisa Ferriggi is dedicated to empowering parents and professionals to feel competent in guiding children with autism to improve quality of life. By addressing the core features of autism and unlocking potential, children are able to develop milestones required to connect with others and establish true relationships. She understands the complex demands made on parents in helping their children and developing their relationship and the emotional journey many are going through. Her enthusiasm and commitment shine through in helping families be the best they can be. She admires the persistence of parents in helping their children with the challenges they face. She has created, designed and delivered multiple presentations and workshops to both parents and professionals. She has worked with many schools and colleges over the years, charities and organisations such as Autism Anglia, Little Miracles and Pinpoint-Cambridgeshire.

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